The problem with this lovely unsullied blog is that it's like a blank sketchbook. Full of possibilities. I can be anyone, I can re-invent myself for you. I'd like to be honest,to show you some of my very ordinary, muddily, life. I guess your ordinary life's like this too but in subtly different ways. I'm interested in ordinary things, I've pried into other peoples lives on line too, through their blogs . I'm not going to show you anything exciting or scandalous but I do like to draw things and maybe you might find them as interesting, as I have found other peoples drawings of their worlds.
I'm trying to be more brave about drawing in public so I went to the market today and hid under a tree to do this drawing. The painting was done when I got home. (I'm not tha
t brave yet!)

I'm trying to be more brave about drawing in public so I went to the market today and hid under a tree to do this drawing. The painting was done when I got home. (I'm not tha

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