Sunday 26 July 2009

The Bookshop at our local retail park is closing down & with it the cafe. This is sad as it's close to where I work and a good spot to relax with a coffee and my drawing book.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Sometimes if I get a lunchbreak I sit in the car with the radio on and draw. There aren't many views from the carpark that don't involve cars but the act of drawing is relaxing enough.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Moose heads

It looks like a stately home but they're papier mache. I'm taking one to the art society exhibition tomorrow night in the hope that he'll make my fortune. Not sure what the world will make of him.....

Saturday 18 July 2009

getting started

The problem with this lovely unsullied blog is that it's like a blank sketchbook. Full of possibilities. I can be anyone, I can re-invent myself for you. I'd like to be honest,to show you some of my very ordinary, muddily, life. I guess your ordinary life's like this too but in subtly different ways. I'm interested in ordinary things, I've pried into other peoples lives on line too, through their blogs . I'm not going to show you anything exciting or scandalous but I do like to draw things and maybe you might find them as interesting, as I have found other peoples drawings of their worlds.
I'm trying to be more brave about drawing in public so I went to the market today and hid under a tree to do this drawing. The painting was done when I got home. (I'm not that brave yet!)

Friday 3 July 2009

RIP Godzilla
Today poor Godzilla our last chinchilla died. After nearly 20 years of chinchillas it feels realy strange not to hear the girls cackling with laughter and knawing anything they could reach. I'm sure Chinchillas were the models for Gremlins in their cute stage but average 17 years is a long lifespan for a grumpy rodent and sadly I think it's time to take a break for the moment.