Tuesday 18 June 2013

Assignment 1 Part 2

I chose 5 phrases which say something about me:
  1. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all
  2. I don't know where I'm going to but I do know where I've been
  3. There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about
  4. If you can't make it better laugh at it
  5. It will be alright in the end, if it's not alright it's not the end
From my selected colours the pink and blue were the 2 that combined best to give a clear but lively postcard. I want the cards to work together as a set so I have stuck with this colour combination for them all. I want them to contain words and images because illustrations are important to me and making pictures is what I like to do. The typefaces for the images are all different as I have tried to select a font which works with the text.

Postcard 1

I tried a number of typefaces (above is Arabic Typesetting) and settled on Batik regular which has a nice broken slightly faded feel to it as though it has been on an adventure.
For the illustration I experimented with simple prints using stamps made of cardboard and carrot

The carrot gave the best print which I made into single images of a boot and a paw

These I walked across my postcard

Postcard 2

I hovered over Bookman Old Style but in the end chose Poor Richard and inverted the colours
The signpost was a quick sketch at first
 I did some research on the typefaces used in roadsigns. I don't have access to Transport Heavy but messed around with another similar font (sorry I didn't make a note of which)

Then added the sign
Which I modified a bit on the postcard


Postcard 3

I tried a variety of typefaces

Initially I went with Goudy Stout

but I decided it was a bit difficult to read so I chose Curlz MT which has a quirky, slightly nutty feel about it which suited the tone I wanted to set.

I doodled some illustration ideas

and chose the figure reading
I'm not quite sure that the figure works now I see her on screen....
Postcard 4

I tried Viner Hand ITC but settled on Vivaldi. It's quite a jolly quote so I inverted back to blue on pink
I did a lot of internet research of laughing figures and  some sketches then found a photo of my cat yawning which could be interpreted as laughter...?

 I tried pencil and coloured pencil. The scan had a red/green hue which I have tried to correct
Coloured just looked odd to me so I stuck with grey/white which is consistent with postcard 3

Postcard 5

Some ideas....

In the end I chose Harrington as my lettering which had an olde worlde feel of early black and white films.

I looked in books thinking that I would scan an endplate and mess around with that but none of my books end with "The End" not even children's books which was something of a surprise so I decided to follow the old movie theme and put some brackets around The End

It's a very close run thing but I think I prefer this one


Looking back through the assignment  I wonder if it gives the image that I am a philosophical deep thinker which I'm not, but then I'm not someone who likes to talk about myself so I felt odd trying to find what to do.

Having got this far I'm not sure about the colour combinations or the quality of the illustrations though I think they're clearly a set of postcards. Maybe I'm trying to be too clever with the typefaces too.

I have tried to document my development process but I have left out some images and ideas as it would make the post rather long and unreadable. A previous criticism was that I didn't try and explore enough ideas before committing to a design. I do hope this is a better attempt, the intention was there!

Once I got started I enjoyed the assignment because it pushed me to look for ways to display on screen the ideas I had in my head.

What do you think?

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