Monday 3 June 2013

Hello World I'm back

I've neglected this Blog over the past year. I guess I'm not that motivated to bore you with the details of my life. That and I've been busy moving house and things. I draw every day but scan very rarely. The longer you don't post anything the harder it is to get started again. Is this picture worthy of restarting things? Should I go through my sketchbooks and scan everything interesting or shall I just do another drawing and scan it another day.

So what has brought me back? I've enrolled on the OCA Graphic Design course. It has been nice to have a break but now I'm looking forward to being challenged again. Please have a look (when I get posting again) and let me know what you think.

Here are some samples of things I've been up to that I did get round to scanning

 I was lucky enough to go to the Buildings Research Establishment near Watford which was fascinating
I did a lot of tidying up after my kids - spot the hidden beer can :-)

I drew a lot of pictures of my animals and other peoples animals which I love to do.

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