Saturday 8 June 2013

Assignment 1 preparation

Who am I?
Hmm... well... how long have you got? books have been written by people trying to answer that  (for themselves, not me I hasten to add!) I've only got a few postcards so need to focus. I am many things, a mosaic. Maybe central to everything I am an observer?
"her voice thinks she's a spy" (Bette Davis Eyes, Kim Carne 1981)
What are my interests in Graphic Design?
Letters and logos, words and phrases, making an impact, how people try and control how I see things and what I think.
What are my wider cultural influences?
I'm a Veterinary Nurse working in a university so my day job is science not design but I'm curious. I don't watch TV very often and it can seem quite stylised and artificial to me. I read the paper, listen to the radio and use the internet. I see billboard adverts in bus stops for films I never see. I have family at university who bring back new ideas and I work with people many years younger than me so I sometimes feel more at home with them than people of my own age (which you can guess from the song quote!)

To get started I listed things that mattered to me (with doodles when ideas popped into my mind)

Then did a mind map
Tried some more ideas
Some doodling in my sketchbook....
I have been collecting quotes since I was at school and I think that using selected examples of other peoples words in my postcards may be the way to introduce myself.
I want a theme that goes through all the postcards such as a consistent colour scheme so I picked simple colours I can relate to from my graphics package.

I wanted deep strong colours such as you would find in stained glass or rich exotic textiles. I'm not a very colourful person so maybe this is aspirational and is a hint from my subconscious of what I want to gain from this course?

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