Monday 3 February 2014

Exercise Hierarchy Part 1 An interview in a listings magazine

The magazines I researched used clear text and bold colours. The body text according to Identifont was interval sans but it failed to identify the headline text.

I tried Eras Light and Bold, Arial and Arial Black, and Gill Sans initially with Aharoni for the header which I changed to Eras Bold
 All the articles I researched were dependent on accompanying photos, not knowing anyone who would stand in for Sheila I used my dog looking troubled.  To make the text readable I changed it to white where it was over the dark photo but I think this would interrupt the readers flow so I lightened the bottom edge of the photo and lay the black text over it.
Having a predominantly black and white photo made it difficult to select an appropriate overlying header text colour. A lot of the magazines put some very subtle shadow around the photo to make the text stand out but I can't work out how to do this. I think I like the raspberry pink ( I'm assuming that most of the readers who are interested in Sheila are female - maybe this is a mistake?)
My copy of Publisher doesn't have the facility to have a black line around the text so I exported the page and used Paintshop to create the header text. This looked a bit distorted to me at full size but  above, smaller,  it doesn't look much  different. I think I prefer the darker pink too.

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