Monday 10 February 2014

Exercise Hierarcy part 3 A book review in a weekend newspaper

For research I bought the Times and the Telegraph. For layout I think the Telegraph looked better more space between articles made it look cleaner and clearer. Both the header and the body text were serif and sub headings were italic in the Telegraph and in bold red in the Times.

For my first attempt I tried Times New Roman and Bernard MT Condensed.
Then Elephant and Microsoft Himalaya
and with Bodoni MT Condensed and Traditional Arabic
I was looking for something clear and simple and easy to read I think Elephant and Microsoft Himalaya work best. I didn't use italics as there are limited availability in my software and I didn't use colour because when I tried it looked cheap and distracted from the overall layout. I think colour could work better when the article is imbedded in a page where there is other colour from photos and adverts.

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