Sunday 5 February 2012

Packaging - biscuits for children

 I didn't want to go down the dinosaur route. They've never excited me and I don't associate them with anything edible. I googled extinct animals and chose the above as they are similar to animals that aren't extinct, the idea being to raise awareness of other animals that are endangered.

Some ideas. I'm worries that the Sabre toothed tiger is a little scary, I don't want to frighten my audience off. I want a gentle caricature that is still recognisable as a real but no longer alive animal. I'm not sure that my style lends itself to something that would encourage pester power, I guess that depends a bit on the accompanying advertising campaign. I wanted figures that were attractive to children and not irritating to their parents who would be expected to pay.
Existing Children's biscuits seem to rely on characters from the TV and are packaged in bright colours

I wanted the biscuits to feature. These were done in watercolour. They may need to be adapted depending on what the real biscuits look like.

The sabre toothed tiger was ginger.
 I drew him on orange paper. He's supposed to be bursting through the biscuits. The original has a little more contrast and isn't quite as orange but the scanner/computer can't cope and I can't seem to adjust the picture with my software.

The Mammoth was raisin
I felt that purple was representative and tried using pink paper which gave a nice lively image but then I worried that boys might be put off by the pink

 Messing with the background on the computer isn't very successful
 So I used white and yellow pencils to colour in. It gives a nice lively background though it might be a bit of a nuisance if it has to be followed through with the rest of the packaging

And finally the Horned Gopher was chocolate chip.

 I thought it needed creamy brown and chocolate colours though I worry that they won't jump out on a display of colourful biscuits. I don't have suitable coloured paper for the background so I drew this on white then filled the background which was much better than expected.

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