Thursday, 6 November 2014

Exercise 2 - Detail and simple line

I am fascinated by the inside of a pomegranate so it was an obvious choice
This is A4 I find it really hard to draw bigger than an object really is hence the rather small seeds at the bottom. As per instructions this was near enough a single line for the drawing then a couple of lines for the shading. The felt tip started to run out a bit which is why some lines are darker than others.
Excited by this I had another go with dip pen. First with a nearly continuous line.
Then relaxing the rules a bit  for the shading. I would have had another go but I ate the pomegranate.......
In the process of trying to decide whether the next exercise was in graphite or colour pencil I found that everyone had done a pomegranate. I don't like to follow the crowd so I drew some garlic with a fineliner.

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