Tuesday 11 November 2014

Marks to create tone pattern and texture

I've found it hard not to repeat myself with this exercise. I did it over 2 nights and I noticed that it takes me a while to get into the right frame of mind. I have a tendency to want to create something figurative but it's been nice in some ways not to have to represent anything. I find the thicker media harder to fit into a small box and 2 colours are tricky as I'm trying to balance the colour and the imagined shapes. The oil pastels were much more fun than I've found in the past, maybe because I didn't have to be representative.
Working into the ink splodges that had bled through was my favourite technique maybe because they led me towards new ideas but I also enjoyed messing around with inks.All my ideas look better in small boxes on a computer screen than they did on the page. Distracting the viewer with lots of images means they don't each have to stand up to individual scrutiny.

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