Sunday 30 August 2015

Assignment 5 - Part 6

More experiments with felt tips. This is has turned into the entry into a spin though it started with drawing random marks.

I made a larger drawing on A3 which I quite liked, but it's a bit static. The paper goes further over to the right (with nothing on it) but I couldn't fit it in my scanner and this gives you a much better view of the drawing than a photo.

Ice rinks aren't beautiful places but one of my challenges which I have yet to face was to think more about the background. I was inspired by Laura Ferguson's prepared backgrounds to get my watercolours out.

I tried splodging ultramarine paint (for the coolness of the ice rink) and permanent rose for warmth and contrast. I also splattered a large sheet of paper and tilted it to get colour runs and lines.
This looks like the arms and body of a skater so I aborted my small figures and did a test drawing in my sketchbook.

 I wasn't initially sure which way her head should be hence the extra lines.
It doesn't show movement and I couldn't fit the legs in. My tutor has previously commented that I should leave more to the viewers imagination. I may have already done too many lines so I'm stopping here. Is that copping out?

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